Tooth Implants Cost

A missing or failing tooth, whether due to poor oral hygiene, an accident, or bad genetics, can certainly put a damper on your life, and your wallet. You may be looking into tooth replacement options and wondering what tooth implants cost.

The Implant

Much of what tooth implants cost varies depending upon the type of implant and the materials it uses. There are a number of types of implants that all vary in size, but the traditional material used is titanium. Being one of the hardest metals we know, titanium implants aren’t cheap to manufacture. Because of this, the larger the implant, the higher the price, and vice versa.

The crown of the implant can also be made of a few different materials, which will also affect the overall tooth implants cost. Bear in mind that the implant cost will change if you are having dentures or a bridge implanted rather than just a single tooth.


Before the procedure, you will need to have a consultation meeting with the oral surgeon. There he or she will give you a thorough exam, and you will together discuss your options and eligibility for those options. It’s possible that the surgeon will tell you that you do not have enough bone matter for the procedure to be successful. In this case, you will need to have a bone graft procedure before the implantation can occur.

Your consultation fee will depend upon the surgeon, but it will usually be a separate bill from the x-rays and examination. On average, you can expect this to be around $100.

Tooth Extraction

If you need a tooth replaced because it is failing or damaged, then you will need it extracted. With sedation, the extraction itself will cost between $200 and $450. Without sedation, it will be closer to $75-$200.

Implantation and Overall Cost

For the implantation procedure, the surgeon will drill a small hole into your gum and jawbone where the implant will be placed. You will then have a healing period of 3-6 months before your permanent crown will be affixed. The difficulty of the procedure and the size of the pilot hole will be factors in the procedure cost, as well as each additional appointment.

Overall, one dental implant can cost you between $1,000 and $3,000 per tooth.