Finding Less Expensive Dental Implants

English: The ACCESS™ toothbrush is specially d... English: The ACCESS™ toothbrush is specially designed to clean Mini Dental Implants (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

While dental implants have never really been deemed “cheap,” it is possible for you to find affordable dental implants. Unfortunately for all, most dental insurance companies will not cover the costs of dental implants because they are seen as purely “cosmetic.” That means that you will be paying the whole cost out of your pocket, and just one implant alone can cost between $1,200 and $5,000 depending upon the tooth and the materials used.

So why bother with dental implants at all? Regardless of what the insurance companies may say, when you lose a tooth, replacing it is more than cosmetic in purpose. If a lost tooth is left untreated, it can compromise your oral health. As time goes by, your teeth start to drift, becoming crooked and making normal talking and chewing difficult. It also causes your facial and jaw bone to lose its structure, giving your face a sunken appearance. Dental implants, whether cheap or not, are made to feel, function and look exactly like your natural teeth, and they prevent dental drift and the loss of your facial structure. And with proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

How Can I Find Cheap Dental Implants?

1)      Clinics that will work with your budget.

Believe it or not, there are dental clinics out there that offer options for those in need of cheap dental implants. They do this by working with you and sometimes reducing the cost of the procedure. They also may be able to help you find more cost-effective alternatives that will work better with your budget while still solving your dental problem. Many places will offer especially reduced costs for people that meet certain qualifications.

Be sure to look around at different clinics in and even somewhat outside your area. You will want to compare and contrast the different options you have and speak with the different dentists individually to see what they can do for you.

2)      A State Dental Society

If finding a clinic offering cheap dental implants is not working out for you, try checking with your state’s State Dental Society. Often these societies will offer free or cheap implant procedures to individuals who meet qualifications. Keep in mind, this option is for those who are in more needy circumstances financially and dentally.

3)      Dental Insurance Coverage

If you have any kind of dental insurance, check your plan and with your provider to see if dental implants are covered – this is the easiest way to get cheap dental implants. While most insurance companies do not deem them to be necessary procedures, there are still those that will cover them. If you are looking to get dental insurance, look for a policy that covers dental implants in case the need arises, and you will save yourself thousands of dollars.

4)      A Local School of Dentistry

This is possibly the best way to find reduced prices for implant procedures. At dental schools, students require patients to practice on, so they offer all kinds of dental procedures for free or reduced prices. This doesn’t have to be a frightening experience, either – all dental school procedures are supervised by professionals, so you will never find yourself going home worse off.

If you are looking for cheap dental implants, be sure to weigh your options and check at dental locations near you.

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