How Much Are Porcelain Veneers?

Cosmetic veneers come in composite or porcelain materials, but porcelain is almost always the preferred choice because of its durability and natural looking finish. Porcelain veneers are the perfect way to cover up imperfections in your smile, whether a chipped tooth, a misshapen tooth, or nasty discoloration. How much are porcelain veneers? They can range from $500 to $3,000 per tooth. The reason the range is so wide is because much of it depends upon your personal situation.

Price Factors

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When you ask the question, “How much are porcelain veneers?” you have to take into account all of the fees, such as the dentist professional fee, the manufacturing costs of the veneer and adhesive materials, and the number of veneers you will be needing.

All of those prices will be included in the total cost, but there are some outside factors to also keep in mind. Each tooth is unique, and so each tooth will have its own simplicity or difficulty. A tooth that needs more extensive work will cost more to do, and so will a tooth that is farther back in the mouth, as those are more difficult to work with. Also, if you live in a city, it may be worth it to trip to a more rural area for the procedure, as the prices there may be a lot lower.

Payment Options

Dental Insurance

Unfortunately, most cosmetic dentistry is not covered by dental insurance plans. There are a few out there that will, but they will usually have higher monthly premiums. However, if you are considering veneers, or if your dentist recommends them to you for an oral health reason, there is no harm in calling your insurance provider and discussing with them the details.

Payment Plans

Most dental clinics understand that dental work isn’t cheap, particularly in this economy. Because of that, many will be willing to work out a payment plan with you to break up the large payment into smaller monthly installments.

Checks and Credit Cards

Many dental clinics will accept credit cards for procedural payment, but they will usually only accept checks from long-term patients.

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