Cheapest Dental Implants

Probably the cheapest dental implants that you will be able to find will be at a dental school near you. Dental programs and universities require that their students get hands-on experience in order to meet graduation requirements, but because they are not yet at a professional level, the prices for procedures and exams are far reduced. Don’t worry though; every student has a professional with them throughout the entire process.

English: A mini dental implant English: A mini dental implant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dental Schools

When you have a dental procedure done by an undergraduate, you are sure to get a 33% discount at the very least; with some procedures and schools, you can even get up to a 60% discount. This is where you can find the cheapest dental implants, for sure. But though the cost is reduced, you will often have to pay with your time, as most dental schools will have long patient lines and the procedures will take longer than if done by a professional. If you want to save time, call the school ahead of time and ask them about available openings; you will often be able to make an appointment.


A student doing a dental implant procedure will still be using the same quality implant materials as a professional, but they will certainly not have the experience. If you choose this route, make sure that the professional on-hand has a thorough understanding of the procedure and has personal experience with it.


On average, a dental implant will cost around $2,000, but remember, an average number means that there are lower numbers. With a dental school, the cost will be greatly reduced, but if you’re afraid of sacrificing the professionalism of the procedure, some time, effort, phone calls, and a bit of haggling and price-matching may get you greatly reduced prices as well.

In general, the cheapest dental implants are mini dental implants as opposed to traditional implants, so talk to your oral surgeon about whether or not you are eligible for mini dental implants. The average price for those ranges between $1,100 and $1,600 each. The cheapest dental implants are out there, and with some research and effort, they can be yours.

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