Dental Implants in One Day

Picture of two cylindrical dental implants and... Picture of two cylindrical dental implants and two diskimplants inserted into the jaw (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No one enjoys fake teeth retainers or dentures – how they often come loose when you talk or smile, having to cut your food into smaller pieces, soaking the teeth overnight. And while they solve most of the cosmetic problem of failing teeth, these simple solutions fail to address larger ones regarding your oral health. Why let the problem continue to worsen when you have the ability to get dental implants in one day?

Did you know you can get full dental implants in one day? Many people don’t choose to restore their smile with dental implants because they believe it will be a long and drawn-out procedure that will be costly in more ways than one. In the past, dental implants did take a lot longer to place. It often took several months and more than a small fortune to have the procedure done, which didn’t offer a very good solution to an immediate problem. But thanks to more advanced technology, it is now possible to get your dental implants completely and correctly placed in just one day.

The Dental Implants in One Day – Process and Procedure

The procedure that allows for dental implants to be placed all in one day is otherwise known as the “All-on-4,” as it utilizes 4 dental implants with attached bridges to completely restore your smile.

As the process begins, a special radiograph will be taken to determine the condition of your jaw structure and your teeth. This creates a 3D replica of your teeth, helping the implant dentist understand their size, shape, structure and bite. From this, the prosthetic teeth are fabricated, made up of the four dental implants and their attached “bridges,” which are other prosthetic teeth attached to each implant.

When it comes time for the procedure, the implant dentist will give you an anesthetic to make it a painless process. Your loose and failing teeth will be extracted and your dental implants positioned correctly with their attached bridges. When the procedure is complete, you will be free to go home and even enjoy a light meal. Your smile and your teeth will be completely and permanently restored.

If the implant dentist you are using does not have an on-site dental lab, the process may take two appointments. The first appointment they will put temporary dentures in place while the permanent implants are being created. At the second appointment, they will be ready for permanent placement.

The revolutionary ability to place complete dental implants in one day speeds up the restoration of your smile and leaves no time for your oral health to suffer. If your implants are placed and you find they feel loose or uncomfortable, your implant dentist will be able to easily completely replace them and ensure your satisfaction.

Dental Implants in One Day – Care

It is simple to take care of your new teeth! You simple clean them twice a day as you normally would, and set up semi-annual dental check-ups so that they can stay healthy.

There are occasional circumstances where this dental implant surgery can’t be performed. If you have a broken jaw or there is too little bone left, the procedure would not be nearly as effective, or even possible. If your case is the latter, however, you may be able to get a bone graft to strengthen and thicken your jaw bones. You also may be eligible for other techniques such as dental bridges, but alternatives may be more time consuming and require multiple appointments.

If you have loose or failing teeth and are sick of your dentures, call your local implant dentist and ask if you are eligible to receive dental implants in one day! It will restore your smile, give your self-esteem a boost and improve your overall health.

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