One Hour Dental Implants

The procedure for dental implants used to take months of planning and multiple visits, but the world of today has made it a much more efficient process; it is now possible to get one hour dental implants! Also called “same-day implants,” they are becoming more popular because of their efficiency and effectiveness in replacing teeth and restoring smiles.

Originally, implant dentists took months to take pictures and x-rays and make molds so that they could create fake teeth that would look natural and work effectively. Because of incredible advancements in dental technology, within one hour dental implants can be yours! On the site, the implant dentist can take all of the necessary radiographs, have the mold created and the crown placed. Depending upon the dentist, you may have to have a temporary crown placed and then a second appointment made where you receive your permanent tooth.

One Hour Dental Implants Work For:

-          Same day replacement after extraction

-          Multiple missing teeth replacements

-          Single missing tooth replacement

-          Securing new or already existing dentures

Comparing the Procedures

The Traditional Implants Procedure

  1. The implants surgeon administers an anesthetic to numb the mouth and jaw
  2. Once numb, the surgeon exposes the jaw bone and drills in it a 6-7mm hole
  3. A 4mm wide titanium implant post is inserted in the bone and the surgeon closes the wound
  4. A 2 to 6 month recovery time is necessary for the bone to grow around the post
  5. A second appointment is set, where the surgeon exposes the top of the post and attaches the crown

Each surgery will usually take about an hour, which makes two hours total for both visits. However, if a bone graft is necessary because you do not have enough bone structure, a third surgery appointment will have to take place 4-8 months prior to the post being inserted. Immediately after the implant has been placed, it is important to put as little stress as possible on the area until the jawbone has completely healed

The Procedure for One Hour Dental Implants

  1. The implants surgeon administers an anesthetic to numb the mouth and jaw
  2. A 2.25mm hole is drilled through the gums and jawbone
  3. A 4mm titanium post, acting much like a screw, is inserted into the hole
  4. Once inserted, a temporary tooth will be placed on the post

The actual procedure only takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and the pain that comes with it is usually mild enough to be countered by something as light as ibuprofen or Advil. The temporary crown will protect the post until the permanent crown is ready for placement, and it is completely safe for chewing and speaking normally. However, you should avoid most hard and tough foods to allow your implant to entirely heal. After a month, you will be ready to receive your permanent crown.

Don’t let your missing teeth affect your confidence and your smile, and don’t deal with the wait – get one hour dental implants and restore your smile!